Distech Controls - Project References

  • Grand Palais, Paris

    Grand Palais, Paris

    The Grand Palais is currently undergoing its first comprehensive restoration since 1900, and will reopen for the summer 2024 sporting events to host the fencing and taekwondo events.

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  • Universeine, Paris

    Universeine, Paris

    During the summer 2024 sporting events, Universeine will be home to 6,000 athletes and will offer more than 30,000 m² of service and workspace.

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  • Olympic Aquatic Centre, Paris

    Olympic Aquatic Centre, Paris

    The Olympic Aquatic Centre has been specially built for the sporting events of summer 2024, and will host the artistic swimming, diving and water polo events.

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  • Centre Aquatique Olympique, Saint-Denis (93)

    Centre Aquatique Olympique, Saint-Denis (93)

    Cet ouvrage a été construit spécialement pour les événements sportifs de l’été 2024, et accueillera les épreuves de natation artistique, plongeon et water-polo.

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  • Porte de la Chapelle Arena, Paris

    Porte de la Chapelle Arena, Paris

    During the summer 2024 sporting events, the Porte de la Chapelle Arena will host the badminton, rhythmic gymnastics, para-badminton and para-taekwondo events.

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  • Le Corner - Lyon (France)

    Le Corner - Lyon (France)

    Le Corner is an 18,500 m² office building housing Allianz's regional headquarters.

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  • Heating Network - Lyon (France)

    Heating Network - Lyon (France)

    Design, build and operate a biomass heating plant and a heating network comprising several substastations in the north of Lyon, France.

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  • CNP Assurances HQ, Issy-les-Moulineaux (France)

    CNP Assurances HQ, Issy-les-Moulineaux (France)

    Issy Cœur de Ville is an eco-neighbourhood in Issy-les-Moulineaux (92) comprising 45,000 m² of office space (including the headquarters of CNP Assurances).

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  • New PSG Campus, Paris (France)

    New PSG Campus, Paris (France)

    The new PSG campus is a 74-hectare complex spread over 3 platforms, comprising 17 football pitches and 5 key areas.

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  • Caisse d'Epargne BFC Head Office, Dijon (France)

    Caisse d'Epargne BFC Head Office, Dijon (France)

    The future head office of the Caisse d'Epargne de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, "Le Valmy" in Dijon, will house four hundred employees spread over the six floors of this modern building.

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  • HMP Oakwood, Midlands, UK

    HMP Oakwood, Midlands, UK

    HMP Oakwood is a large (2200 prisioners) PFI financed Category C prison in the Midands UK. It first opened in 2012, and among other goals, aims to offer modern facilities.

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  • Sytral bus maintenance centre, Villeurbanne (France)

    Sytral bus maintenance centre, Villeurbanne (France)

    The aim of the Alsace maintenance centre in Villeurbanne, run by the French transport operator Sytral, is to repair and give a second lease of life to the buses of the Lyon transport network.

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  • Homestead Village - Lancaster, PA

    Homestead Village - Lancaster, PA

    Homestead Village - Lancaster, PA

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  • Lancaster City Government - Lancaster, PA

    Lancaster City Government - Lancaster, PA

    Lancaster City Government - Lancaster, PA

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  • Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, San Diego, California

    Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, San Diego, California

    Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, San Diego, California

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  • 10MW Data Center, Singapore

    10MW Data Center, Singapore

    10MW Data Center, Singapore

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  • BPC Pole, Paris-Saclay University, France

    BPC Pole, Paris-Saclay University, France

    BPC Pole, Paris-Saclay University, France

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  • Agronutris Plant, France

    Agronutris Plant, France

    Agronutris, a French biotechnology company specialising in the breeding and processing of insects for animal feed, has inaugurated its new plant in 2022.

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  • The Ruck Hotel, Lyon, France

    The Ruck Hotel, Lyon, France

    The Ruck Hotel is the LOU Rugby club’s new hotel, which opened in December 2022 in the Gerland district of Lyon.

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  • The Fashion House, Modena

    The Fashion House, Modena

    The Fashion House in Modena is a building used for offices, production, showroom and shop. This new building is spread over 2 floors and a restaurant has been created on the roof.

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