Miguel Ibanez, Sustaining Engineer Manager, has worked for Acuity Brands for 24 years. So, it's no wonder his favorite things about Acuity are the people and friendships. When you're a part of something for so long, they become like a second family. And that's what is most important overall to Miguel. When it comes to Miguel's Hispanic Heritage, to him, it means, "family comes first." His perfect day would be with his family sitting around the dining room table enjoying good food, specifically ceviche, and appreciating each other's company.
Originally from Peru, Miguel can speak three languages - Spanish, Portuguese, and English. He learned Portuguese from his friends while playing on a youth soccer team. Miguel is a huge soccer fan. He even referees and still plays soccer in an adult league. His dream travel destination is England, solely so he can see as many soccer games as possible. His way of getting there, you ask - Well, in his dream world, it would be teleportation. Miguel likes to move fast and efficiently, so it makes sense that this would be his ideal superpower.
Want to learn more about Miguel? Check out more of his interview:
What qualities do you prefer in a leader/manager?
I prefer managers to lead by example and respect my peers and me.
Is there a secret talent or special skill that you possess?
I love to help people in any way that I can.
How has the pandemic impacted you (personally and/or professionally)?
Personally, it kept me from seeing/visiting my family in Peru, and professionally, I'm not able to connect face-to-face with my co-workers.
Who is your hero?
The people in the military.
What's your favorite quote?
"It is not what you know, but who you know."