The nLight® AIR Power Pack Gets More Versatile!

July 24, 2019

The nLight AIR rPP family of power packs are lighting control devices designed to offer flexible control for commercial and industrial lighting applications. The rPP20 consists of a relay, 0-10V dimming control, and a low voltage power supply output, providing external control of luminaires and plug load control.

The rPP is capable of switching loads up to 20A via a latching relay designed with robust inrush protection from the harsh switching requirements of fluorescent and LED loads.  It features a dual radio for wireless connectivity to other nLight AIR devices, delivering advanced and secure networked control strategies.

To learn more about nLight AIR wireless controls, please contact your local lighting representative or visit the nLight systems page.

New features include:

  • An external antenna to help meet Chicago plenum code compliance, as well as other safety-related requirements
  • A full set of options and combinations for 0-10VDC dimming output via side leads or chase nipple, as well as 24VDC via output terminals 

For more information please visit thrPP20 product page

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