We listened to market demands and understand your needs. The LDNRV 6 ,8, 9 and 10 are now available in lower height options!
Key Features:
- Typical installation time is 3-4 minutes
- Aperture sizes allow for retrofitting from 5”, 6”, 7”, 8”, 9”, and 10” downlights
- Delivered lumens from 500lm up to 12,000lm
- 55° cutoff and 85LPW typical yield a highly efficacious, glare-free experience
- 1.0 Spacing/Mounting Height ratio provides general illumination performance
- Open wallwash kicker design provides a complimentary asymmetric washlight distribution
- eldoLED™ dimming drivers available in 10% or 1% minimum dimming levels
- A+ capable configurations
Quick Links
Product Pages:
Spec Sheets:
LDN6RV Retrofit Kit Spec Sheet
LDN7RV Retrofit Kit Spec Sheet
LDN8RV Retrofit Kit Spec Sheet
LDN9RV Retrofit Kit Spec Sheet
LDN10RV Retrofit Kit Spec Sheet
Sell Sheet: