IOTA IIS EXT and IIS3P EXT outdoor-rated emergency inverter systems now come standard with seismic bracing. This bracing helps the IIS central inverter system withstand earthquake events for increased occupancy safety and egress lighting performance in seismic zone applications.
The IIS EXT and IIS3P EXT seismic bracing is certified to 2006 IBC and ASCE 7-05 Occupancy Category III / Site Class D.
IIS EXT (Single-phase)*: Product Webpage | Specification Sheet
IIS3P EXT (Three-phase): Product Webpage | Specification Sheet
*IIS 1750 models do not include seismic bracing
For applications where shaker-table testing is required for OSHPD certification, consider the IIS SZ (Single-phase) and IIS3P SZ models.
For more information on IOTA IIS Central Inverters or other IOTA Emergency Lighting Solutions, visit or contact us at