More IBG Updates - smaller size, new distributions
Coming in March!
In March, at the request of our loyal customers, IBG will launch with some great upgrades including new distributions and smaller form factors. On configurations where a Narrow (ND), Wide (WD) or new Aisle (AD) distribution is specified IBG will begin using Fresnel optics with distributions molded into the lens to improve fixture efficacy. Additionally, the size reduction leads to a more compact IBG making it easier to handle and install and less expensive to ship. More details below:
Reduced bar count for SEF (standard efficiency)
- Smaller footprint makes installation easier
- More per pallet shipped reduces freight costs and makes for less handling at job sites
- Less packaging waste to handle on job sites
New Distributions – Narrow, Wide, Aisle
- Innovative, patent-pending Acuity Brands® exclusive Fresnel technology molded into the lens itself
- IBG no longer uses a lens + refractor. Less material for light to pass through leads to greater efficiency
- Fresnel pattern creates crisp, more tailored distributions
- Makes for tremendous flexibility in the field. New lenses can be snapped on in the field to change fixture distribution
Helpful Info:
IBG High Bay