Peerless® Renna™ is now available with sixteen transitions, and a new vertical wall. Twist and turn through an environment using both the vertical and horizontal planes.
Included in the above additions to the Renna product offerings there are also updates to the Modulus™ firmware. Modulus is now equipped with the capability for onsite commissioning. And, that’s not all! See a complete list of all the new features below:
- Vertex embedded sensors
- Occupancy and daylight enabled
- Located in the mid span of the 8ft, or in the end caps
- Support up to 5 sensors per head unit
- Updated Modulus firmware
- Allows for commissioning of lit sections in the field
- Out-of-box operation: switch/occ/photocell control of entire fixture
- SensorView
- Modulus zoning configurable through SensorView
- Allows for 8 channels of control with TUWH (updated from 2 channels of control currently)
- Surface mount to vertical surface
- 1 Limitation (Maximum 16ft when vertically mounted to a vertical surface
- Straight Twist
- Twisted Left Curve
- Twisted Right Curve
- Banked Curve
- Mini Curve 30
- Mini Curve 45
- Banked Curve
- T Corner
- Double Curve
- Double Banked Curve
- Twisted Double Curve
- Mini Corner – included in original launch
- Mini Curve 90 – included in original launch
- L Corner – included in original launch
- Curve – included in original launch
- Mini Square – included in original launch
Quick Links: (add links to the below)
Renna Webpage
Sell Sheet
Takeaway Card
Product Inspiration Video
Product Overview Video
Modulus Webpage
Inspiration images, specification sheets and all product details are found on the individual product pages:
Renna Indirect Direct Static White
Renna Indirect Direct Tunable White
Renna Direct Static White
Renna Direct Tunable White
Renna Indirect Static White
Renna Indirect Tunable White
Renna Surface Mount Static White
Renna Surface Mount Tunable White
Renna Vertical Wall Wash Static White
Renna Vertical Wall Wash Tunable White
Renna Indirect Direct Flat Patterns Static White
Renna Indirect Direct Flat Patterns Tunable White
Renna Direct Flat Patterns Static White
Renna Direct Flat Patterns Tunable White
Renna Indirect Flat Patterns Static White
Renna Indirect Flat Patterns Tunable White
Peerless Business Unit Leader | Jamal Smith |