The newest updates to Slot 1 from MARK Architectural Lighting
A powerful solution with a compact design, Slot 1 from MARK Architectural Lighting delivers up to 935 LMF direct and up to 1275 LMF indirect – now with more design capabilities to unlock greater design freedom.
More distributions, expanded lumen packages
More distributions options allow designers to project light in various dimensions. In addition to the batwing, Lambertian, wall wash, and wall graze distributions, SLOT 1 is now available with asymmetric direct and indirect distributions. Additionally, luminaires are now available with expanded lumen packages, starting at just 200 LMF direct and 400 LFM indirect.
More design features, smaller increments
A new top glow treatment for indirect wall and pendant luminaires is available for a perceptual or decorative element, which pairs nicely with the available edge view lens. Other additions include a discreet vertex occupancy and daylight sensor that integrates without secondary components, and a specular baffle with a silver metalized finish.
SLOT 1 can now be specified in 1-inch increments for wall and recessed applications allowing greater flexibility for designers seeking more intricate patterns.
Slot 1 is offered in pendant, surface, wall, and recessed mounting styles, and when paired with our standard elbows, crosses, and tees, can be combined to configure a multitude of shapes and forms.
For more information, be sure to uncover the full breadth of the Slot 1 product family.