Filing Freight Claims on ADC

April 25, 2024 Chris Coughlin

How to File a Freight Claim:

1: If you received items that are damaged, you will need to submit a freight claim through the Order Status tab in the ADC.

If you are missing product, please contact your local agent before submitting a freight claim. 

2: Select the "Shipments" tab and then click on the red truck icon in the top right that says "Freight Claims". 

3: All of the items from the current shipment will appear from that order in a pop-up window. You can select the product(s) effected. Once you select, a form will download. Be sure to include as much information as possible and include photos if available. You can then submit the claim directly from this screen. (If the agent confirms a shortage of material, you will then need to complete the freight claim as shown below)

A confirmation will be sent once completed.

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