LULA Newsletter Blog
ADC Training Tools
Utilize online ordering, order tracking, quote conversions and more!
ADC Notification Updates
You can now track ADC orders by name and email and receive email notifications on converted quotes!
ADC Enhancements for You
Using Product Search on the ADC
Locate Invoices and Credit Memos using the ADC!
Login today to get started!
Filing Freight Claims on ADC
ADC Enhancement - Product Classification Icons Now Visible in the Cart
Order Status API Now Available!
Stock Product Page Enhancements
View Catalog Number level product detail!
Print Future Pricing in ADC
We have added the ability to print future pricing in Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) to support an upcoming price increase.
NEW Order Tracker in ADC!
Introducing the all-new, easy-to-read order tracker in Acuity Distributor Center (ADC).
Take advantage of our best prices ever with up to 50% off on select products!
Your Order Has Shipped & Delivered!
Subscribe to receive shipment and delivery notifications direct to your inbox.
New and Improved Credit Memo Visibility on ADC!
With a recent ADC improvement, you will now have visibility of additional financial documents directly on the Order’s document tab in ADC.
Contractor Select LED Sample Program
Connected Distributor: Online Ordering on ADC!
Place orders straight from ADC and receive free freight!
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