CASE STUDY Quick Serve Restaurants – Cudahy, Wisconsin and West Allis, Wisconsin

May 8, 2012


Equipment on Site

Approximately 10’ x 12’ freezer with one evaporator coil.

Equipment Applied

(1) KE2 Evaporator Efficiency controller

  • Walk-in freezer is clear of ice
  • Improved product quality - food not sticking together
  • Reduced defrosts by 73%

For one Quick Serve Restaurant (QSR) in Cudahy, Wisconsin, before and after pictures of the walk-in freezer tell the story.

Before: Cudahy – Ice on ceiling and floors, boxes and product is sticking together.
After: Cudahy – Walk-in is free of
accumulated ice, product and
boxes no longer sticking together.
 After: Coil is free of ice, operating efficiently.

From a freezer, that in the Assistant Manager’s words, looked “like Antarctica,” to a freezer that now, with the KE2 Evaporator Efficiency (KE2 Evap) controller installed, is free of ice and has reduced defrost cycles by 73%.

The Assistant Manager commented on the freezer’s transformation after the KE2 Evap was installed, “Holy cow! It was starting to look like Antarctica in there with the ice building on the ceiling. I can’t believe the ice is gone. The boxes aren’t sticking together anymore. The product quality is also better, as we used to find that some of the chicken...and also the hamburgers would stick together.”

The QSR is not the only location to install the KE2 Evap and realize these results. According to another QSR Manager in West Allis, Wisconsin, We have noticed a change in product quality as the product does not stick together as in the past. We have noticed that the freezer seems colder. We have also seen a dramatic reduction of ice build up in the freezer.

In addition to the improved conditions in the walk-in, both QSRs experienced a significant reduction in defrosts. At the Cudahy location, the freezer was defrosting 22 times in 5 days using the time-clock. With the KE2 Evap, the system dropped to 16 times for the first 5 days while the freezer was being cleared of ice. Once the accumulated ice was cleared, the defrost frequency dropped and stabilized at 6 defrosts in a 5 day period. See charts below.

WEEKLY SNAPSHOT - Walk-in Freezer

BEFORE using standard time clock - 22 defrosts in 5 days

AFTER with the KE2 Evap controller installed - 6 defrosts in 5 days (73% reduction in defrosts)

For Andy Fincutter, of A to Z Refrigeration the installer on the West Allis location, one of the most remarkable features of the KE2 Evap is the controller’s remote monitoring capability and the MasterView page that shows critical system readings and setpoints. You guys have thought of everything with this controller. I can see more information on one page and know what is going on in the system in a matter of seconds. It would take me 20 minutes inside the box to get the same information.

The success of the install at Cudahy has prompted, the QSR owner to begin equipping additional restaurants with the KE2 Evap in upcoming months.

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CASE STUDY Quick Serve Restaurant – Chateaugay, Quebec
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