New Online Resources Now Available for ARM, BKT and BR Series Utility Arms and Brackets
With the recent system migration to enhance functionality of the web site and product configuration, we’ve created several new assets for arms and brackets used for utility and other functional commercial applications. This portfolio of workhorse arms and brackets consists of the ARM, BKT and BR series.
You will find that eight new pages are now available to provide you resources for the following families…
Once you select one of the eight new pages, one of the assets you’ll find is a large assortment of newly created drawings for the potential configurations within each arm and bracket group…
Related Links:
- ARM Horizontal Arms
- ARM Knuckle-Yoke Arms
- BKT Vertical Arms
- BKT Knuckle-Yoke Arms
- BR Horizontal Arms
- BR Knuckle-Yoke Arms
- BR Upsweep Arms
- BR Vertical Arms