Addressing Energy Efficiency, Lighting Quality and Light Pollution
Focusing on light quality and light pollution, I recently spoke with Eric Gibson, Director of Outdoor Products at Acuity Brands to discuss how lighting for outdoor spaces has seen its share of advancements since the introduction of LEDs, both in terms of design and the benefits. Newly designed LED lighting provides such benefits as longer product life, improved optical control to reduce light pollution, greater dimming capabilities and light quality. Additionally, LED lighting delivers even greater energy reductions (of 70% over the products replaced), making replacement a financially sound and energy management conscious decision to conserve costs and consumption in the many outdoor spaces where additional lighting is a need.
For these reasons, the high-intensity discharge (HID) luminaires of the past are no longer the effective choice for projects. HIDs over-light areas directly underneath the luminaire and emit significant amounts of stray light that cannot be controlled in the same ways that LEDs provide uniform and controlled lighting in outdoor spaces.
It is also important to note that not all LED luminaires are equal. Early LED products were much less efficient and had similar optical control as the HID products that they were replacing. This is due to the fact that most were essentially just LED sources put into existing HID housings. The second generation of LED products were much improved, but with the rapid evolution of LEDs even these needed updating every year to remain current. Now, we are in the third generation of LED products and much has been learned about optimizing the optics, the efficiency and the installation of these products. We now have products to fit almost any need. The question for electrical contractors isn’t about “Why should we use LEDs?”, it should be centered on “Which LED luminaires are the right ones to use for the job?”
The wide range of outdoor luminaires from Lithonia Lighting® are best-sellers and offer many benefits including advanced controls that can be networked for interior and exterior spaces. With our commitment to providing contractors with the best choices and easier installation, we can take the guesswork out of choosing the right luminaires for your projects.
For more information, please visit our wide range of outdoor products at and to stay current on all the latest product news and industry information, please sign up for our monthly Contractor Corner newsletter today. Looking forward to continuing helping grow your business!
David Errigo, Director of Renovation Sales