Recent security updates to the Acuity servers resulted in delayed loading of products in the Acuity Model Selector plugin for Revit. This problem has been resolved and you should experience faster product page loading times. A new download of the Acuity Model Selector plugin is required.
How to start using the Acuity Model Selector in your Revit projects:
- Download the Acuity Model Selector at
- Run the setup to install the Revit add-in onto your computer
- Next time you start Revit, the Acuity Model Selector button will be added to the Revit Add-ins tab in the Acuity Brands ribbon group
- Click the Acuity Model Selector button to launch a window to search and download Revit models from the Acuity Brands website
- Click this link to watch a detailed video on how to install and use the Acuity Model Selector add-in for Revit