Using Consumer Insights to Drive Product Innovation
Atrius Assets – A Cloud-Based Connected Building Software Service of Atrius IoT Solutions
When looking at a cross-section of the most successful, sustainable products, there is a common denominator: sound engineering and product development based on well-defined customer needs. Product innovators know who they are appealing to and what exactly that group of customers wants. In turn, they develop products that meet the customers' needs now and in the future. At Acuity Brands, we apply this same methodology to new product innovations.
In-depth understanding of the customer may seem like common sense, but along the roadmap of product development it can become relatively easy to lose track of this core objective. After all, you are not following WAZE or Google maps. Exotic features, future growth/roadmap considerations, and even costs among other variables can sidetrack product teams. If not managed appropriately these distractions can either become merely inspirational or detrimental to a product’s development.
With AtriusTM Assets cloud-based software service, Acuity Brands looked at what customers wanted now and what future problems they were looking to solve. This approach enables the delivery of a scalable, fully-integrated software solution that evolves and adapts based on customers’ needs. Acuity Brands recognizes that improving the consumer experience is the top business priority of global business and technology decision makers over the next 12 months (Source: Forrester Research, “The Top Retail Technology Investments in 2018”, June 2018). The Atrius Assets service enables equipment and resource tracking, and it is part of Atrius IoT Solutions that leverages lighting as a platform (LaaP), allowing customers to have greater insight that can be used for the purpose of providing a better customer experience. The question we asked was, “how could you use the digital lighting network once installed in a connected building? And, how could that intelligent infrastructure track resources and bring value for people, building and ultimately, the business?”
The answer is it’s possible as these resource investments open customers in the retail industry to receive more insights into their consumers’ wants and needs in the buying experience. According to a Forrester survey, “81% of US online adults are comfortable with retailers using information to personalize their experience” (Source: Forrester Research, “The Top Retail Technology Investments in 2018”, June 2018). Therefore, consumers welcome the sharing of data and analytics to better meet their expectations if they can trust the retailer. Using a software service to collect useful information can help retailers accomplish their business goals and objectives.
To learn more about the innovative and scalable applications of Atrius Assets, visit our website or contact us.
Curren Shorte
Senior Manager IoT Product Management
Acuity Brands Technology Group at Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc.
Curren developed deep domain expertise in engineering, development and strategic positioning of IT-OT solutions from his service in the Navy as well as in business development at GE Power over the past 10+ years. His current focus in the technology group is to drive development, productization and positioning of AtriusTM Assets and AtriusTM LiveView products, which leverage Acuity Brands' Atrius Sensory Network to create value by uncovering business insights.
And, as a Naval Officer, Curren refined his technical acumen, strengthened his strategic thought processes, and developed an innovative mindset. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering from the United States Naval Academy; a Master of Science equivalent in Nuclear Engineering from the US Department of Energy; a Master of Engineering Management from Old Dominion University; and a Master of Business Administration from Scheller College of Business at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
In his spare time, Curren enjoys relaxing with his wife and dog. He stays active by participating in sports leagues, advocating for military veterans and providing youth mentorship.