The EU2C emergency light by Lithonia Lighting® has replaced the EU2 LED. Now, with the same traditional form factor as the EU2 LED but with upgrades like CEC Title 20 compliance and optional self-diagnostics. The EU2C is what you need!
Product Highlights:
- Test switch, status indicator and rechargeable battery for easy maintenance and manual initiation of monthly test
- High-output battery to power both local and optional LED remote lamp heads simultaneously
- Minimum of 90-minutes illumination upon the loss of AC power
- Optional Self-diagnostic
- UL listed
- Damp location listed
We will NOT auto-convert EU2 LED orders to EU2C. Place orders of EU2C by using the "New" SKUs below
Helpful links:
Specification Sheet | Sell Sheet |Product Positioning
Need More Information?
Contact Jon Carter | |770-593-5110