Designed to be the lowest total installed cost solution for residential spaces, the SlimBasicsTM JSBT Tapered LED Disk Light Series now offers a compatible solution that features smart home technology. The new JSBTC connects via Bluetooth® or Zigbee to pair with your mobile device or compatible smart home hub and works with Samsung® SmartThings, Amazon® Alexa and Google Home platforms. The JSBTC is aesthetically identical to the existing Static and Switchable JSBT solutions which allows for seamlessly adding the smart JSBTC into the same environments giving you more flexibility in every room of a home.
JSBT Family
Newest Addition - Most Compatible Solution, Smart JSBTC - Perfect when the choice of color temperature and use of smart home lighting is desired. Available in 6" size, 1050L and tunable white (2700K to 5000K). Perfect for any room in a home.
Most Economical Solution, Static JSBT - Ideal when color temperature needed is known. Available in 4" - 750L and 6" - 990L size and 3000K, 90CRI. Perfect for any room in a home.
Most Flexible Solution, Switchable JSBT - Perfect when the color temperature desired is unknown. Available in 4" - 750L and 6" - 1000L size with Switchable White color temperature (3000K, 4000K, and 5000K). Perfect for any room in a home.
Most Convenient Solution, Switchable + Sensor JSBT - Great when color temperature needed is unknown and use of motion sensor is desired. Available in 6" size, 1050L and Switchable White color temperature (3000K, 4000K, and 5000K). Perfect for use in pantries, laundry rooms, bathrooms, closets, and storage units.
Smart JSBTC Product Page | Specification Sheet
Static JSBT Product Page | Specification Sheet
Switchable JSBT Product Page | Specification Sheet | CS Spec Sheet
Switchable + Sensor JSBT Product Page | Specification Sheet