Using the STAR mobile application with STAR-enabled emergency lighting products makes meeting Life Safety reporting requirements simpler than ever! STAR-enabled Lithonia Lighting® and IOTA® emergency lighting solutions automatically conduct monthly and annual tests, as required by code. Test results are logged internally within the unit. On command, test data is communicated wirelessly via Bluetooth® technology to the STAR app on your mobile device. The STAR reporting tool can be found in the CLAIRITYTM+ app (available for free in your iOS and Android app store!)
Per Life Safety Code, emergency lighting equipment must undergo regular monthly and annual tests to ensure proper emergency operation during a loss of normal power. Additionally, records of these tests must be maintained for inspection by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (“AHJ”), such as the local fire marshal. With the STAR mobile application and STAR-enabled emergency lighting products, meeting these emergency lighting requirements is simpler than ever!
Quick Links:
Videos: STAR User Guide