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Resources for everything you need to know about the new QIP tax law change under the 202 CARES Act

The same location-based technology that marketers use is starting to be leveraged to enhance store operations.

Test your industrial lighting knowledge with this short interactive quiz!

Bollards are often overlooked but they can play a significant role in the safety and aesthetics of almost every organization’s facility.

Knoxville, TN selects Holophane's LED lights for $15M street lighting upgrade that's targeted to cut energy expenses in half.

Imagine you were competing in a three day off-road competition in a very harsh terrain... which car would you choose to buy - the SUV or the sports car? The answer is obvious.

Unplanned costs can wreak havoc on your bottom line. A key benefit of upgrading to LED lighting is avoiding unnecessary production delays caused by unplanned maintenance routines.

We know having the right tool is important, but do we apply it when it comes to lighting our facilities?

Duke Energy selects AEL for LED street lighting upgrade in Hendersonville, SC. AEL's combination of performance & price gave them the upper hand during the bid process.

Few technologies have singularly addressed so many challenges faced by grocers as those tied to LED lighting. And LED-based indoor positioning systems in IOT pay for itself in energy savings.

City of Knoxville plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions & save almost $2M a year in energy and maintenance costs by investing $17M into replacing all HPS lights with state-of-the-art LED lights.