GlasWerks LED takes honors in the PIA21 Awards
We're excited to announce that the new GlasWerks® LED Luminescent series has been selected as an Architectural SSL magazine Product Innovation Award (PIA) winner. The Product Innovation Awards (PIA) recognizes innovative LED and solid-state luminaires and fixtures on the market, while also spotlighting the players behind the components that make up these light sources.
With judging and evaluation of products and systems from a distinguished panel of 18 designers and lighting specialists skilled in product evaluation, the PIA program awards manufacturers based on attributes, qualities, functionality and/or performance beyond industry standards. Construction Business Media, headquartered in Chicago, IL is publisher of Architectural Products and Architectural SSL magazines. The company also co-owns and operates educational platform and maintains websites and electronic extensions of its print publications.
Learn more about GlasWerks LED here!