El Paso Case Study
American Electric Lighting LED Luminaires Help El Paso Reach Sustainability Goals, Reduce Operating Costs by 67 Percent. The city’s General Services Department worked with Johnson Controls to comply with Texas Senate Bill 898, which mandates that public utilities reduce electric consumption 5 percent each year over the next ten years. Installing the Autobahn LED lighting has the potential to reduce the city’s energy and maintenance costs by 67 percent compared to the operating costs for the previous cobrahead units. The city also installed 1,000 100-watt Washington Postlite II LED luminaires in the downtown area to replace 175-watt metal halide decorative fixtures. The upgrade resulted in a 50 percent reduction in energy and 10 percent increase in light levels.
Click here to view the El Paso TX LED Video Case Study
Products Included In This Solution
Washington Postlite LED - Glass