
Achieve Success in the Utility Market

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WEBINAR – Achieve Success in the Outdoor Utility Lighting Market

June 9, 2017

This webinar offers insight into today’s lighting market and the impact future trends and legislative regulations can have. You can expect to learn how to keep maintenance costs down and improve productivity, how to provide excellent service to your customers and how to stay updated on the latest technology and regulatory trends. For more information on Acuity’s utility lighting solutions, please visit https://www.acuitybrands.com/infrastructure.

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Sacramento Airport Lands Utility Funding for HMAO LED Relight
Sacramento Airport Lands Utility Funding for HMAO LED Relight

See how Holophane's HMAO LED II luminaire helped the Sacramento Airport reduce energy and maintenance costs...

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Upcoming Roadway Projects? Forget Watts and Think Lumen Output
Upcoming Roadway Projects? Forget Watts and Think Lumen Output

Most lighting professionals who specify LED roadway replacement often make the mistake of referencing old H...